In early chemistry classes, students are introduced to the classification of matter. They discover that…

7 Fun Chemistry Experiments for Kids to Try at Home!
Chemistry is a fascinating subject that allows us to understand the world around us. Conducting chemistry experiments can be a fun and interactive way for kids to learn about how the world works. In this article, we will discuss some of the most enjoyable and educational chemistry experiments that kids can try out at home!
1) Elephant’s Toothpaste
Elephant’s Toothpaste is a thrilling experiment that involves creating a chemical reaction that results in the rapid release of oxygen gas. To perform this experiment, you will need hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, food coloring, and yeast. First, mix some hydrogen peroxide with dish soap and food coloring in a container. Then, add a pinch of yeast to the mixture, and watch as the mixture rapidly expands, forming a massive “toothpaste” foam.
2) Homemade Slime
Making homemade slime is an entertaining and easy way to learn about polymer chemistry. You will need glue, borax, food coloring, and water to make slime. Begin by mixing some glue and water in a bowl, then add a few drops of food coloring. In a separate bowl, mix some borax and water until the borax dissolves. Next, pour the borax solution into the glue mixture and stir until the slime forms.
3) Dancing Raisins
The Dancing Raisins experiment is a great way to learn about the concept of density. You will need a clear glass, raisins, and soda for this experiment. First, fill the glass with soda, then add a few raisins. Watch as the raisins move up and down in the glass, appearing to “dance” as they react with the carbon dioxide in the soda.
4) Colorful Milk
The Colorful Milk experiment is a visually stunning experiment that demonstrates how soap interacts with fat molecules. To perform this experiment, you will need milk, food coloring, and dish soap. First, pour some milk into a container, then add a few drops of food coloring. Next, add a small amount of dish soap to the mixture, and watch as the colors rapidly disperse, creating a beautiful swirling pattern.
5) Invisible Ink
The Invisible Ink experiment is a fun way to learn about chemical reactions. You will need baking soda, water, and grape juice for this experiment. Begin by mixing some baking soda and water to create a paste. Next, use a paintbrush to write a message on a piece of paper using grape juice. Once the message has dried, use the baking soda paste to reveal the hidden message.
6) Lava Lamp
A lava lamp can be made with household items such as vegetable oil, food coloring, water, and Alka-Seltzer tablets. Fill a clear plastic bottle with about two-thirds of vegetable oil and the remaining one-third with water. Add a few drops of food coloring, and then drop in small pieces of Alka-Seltzer tablets. Watch as the Alka-Seltzer reacts with water, creating bubbles that move through the oil and create a lava lamp-like effect.
7) Mentos and Diet Coke
The Mentos and Diet Coke experiment is a classic chemistry experiment that is always a hit with kids. You will need a bottle of Diet Coke and a pack of Mentos candies. Drop the Mentos candies into the Diet Coke, and watch as the carbon dioxide in the soda reacts with the candy, creating a massive fizzy eruption.
These seven experiments are just a few examples of the many exciting and educational experiments that kids can try at home. By conducting these experiments, children can develop a greater understanding and appreciation of the fascinating world of chemistry. What other experiments have you tried at home before? Share them in the comments below!